This class includes:
——activities related to land transport of passengers, animals or freight: operation of terminal facilities such as railway stations, bus stations, stations for the handling of goods; operation of railroad infrastructure; operation of roads, bridges, tunnels, car parks or garages, bicycle parkings
——switching and shunting
——towing and road side assistance

This class also includes:
——liquefaction of gas for transportation purposes

This class excludes:
——cargo handling, see 5224

Enterprise Code: 050843408
Tax Identification Number: 500149975
Initial Registration Date: 26 Oct 2009
Type of Business: Business Corporation
Contact Person: Dinga Dukuly
Contact Person Title: President / CEO
Business Phone 1: 0886594048
Business Phone 2: 0777075573
Business Phone 3: 0776734948
Business Email 1:
Physical Address: Dufaco Incorporated, Freeport, Somalia Drive, Monrovia, Liberia
County(ies) of Operation:
  • Montserrado
Business Registration Certificate Expires: 28 Feb 2024
Social Security Clearance Expires: 14 Jun 2017
LRA Tax Clearance Expires: 10 Jun 2024
SBA Eligibility: Eligible (Male Owned)