Enterprise Code: 052517117
Tax Identification Number: 501165222
Initial Registration Date: 08 Oct 2020
Type of Business: Business Corporation
Contact Person: Fred Barchue
Contact Person Title: Operation Manager
Business Phone 1: 0772006474
Business Phone 2: 0777707151
Business Phone 3: 077613699
Physical Address: RIA highway Baptist Seminary Robertfield Road
County(ies) of Operation:
  • Bomi
  • Grand Bassa
  • Grand Cape Mount
  • Margibi
  • Montserrado
Business Registration Certificate Expires: 01 Oct 2024
MOJ Certificate Expires: 30 Oct 2024
Social Security Clearance Expires: 12 Sept 2024
LRA Tax Clearance Expires: 08 Sept 2024
SBA Eligibility: Eligible (Female Owned)