This class includes:
——performance of physical, chemical and other analytical testing of all types of materials and products (see below for exceptions): acoustics and vibration testing; testing of composition and purity of minerals etc.; testing activities in the field of food hygiene, including veterinary testing and control; in relation to food production; testing of physical characteristics and performance of materials, such as strength,thickness, durability, radioactivity etc.; qualification and reliability testing; performance testing of complete machinery: motors, automobiles, electronic equipment, etc.; radiographic testing of welds and joints; failure analysis; testing and measuring of environmental indicators: air and water pollution etc.
——certification of products, including consumer goods, motor vehicles, aircraft, pressurized containers, nuclear plants etc.
——periodic road-safety testing of motor vehicles
——testing with use of models or mock-ups (e.g. of aircraft, ships, dams etc.)
——operation of police laboratories

This class excludes:
——testing of animal specimens, see 7500
——medical laboratory testing, see 8690